Logging overhead in hot code path

This post will describe how logging in a hot code path can induce significant overhead to the implementation. Though the overhead is described in the context Go program, the logging overhead should be similar in other languages as well. [Read More]

Fixing Apple Smart Keyboard with Copper Tape

This is a story of how I fixed my one-year-old Apple Smart Keyboard with inexpensive Copper tape. There are multiple YouTube videos(linked below) that describe the procedure with the use of soldering wires on the connector pins. But, I was able to fix without any soldering and would like to... [Read More]
Tags: electronics

Load balancing iPerf3 servers

Recently I had to set up a TCP load balancer for iperf3 server to allow simultaneous tests from multiple iperf3 clients. iperf3 is a tool to measure network performance, and I used Balance as the load balancer. This post describes the need and steps to run iperf3 servers behind a... [Read More]
Tags: linux network